Coat of arms and logo for Baden-Württemberg State Palaces and Gardens
Weikersheim Palace and Garden
A Renaissance and Baroque delight
Weikersheim Palace, view of the palace from the gardens
Feel the enchantment
Weikersheim Palace, costumed guide in the palace
Where history comes to life
Weikersheim Palace and Garden, gardens
Marvel at the breathtaking garden

A Renaissance and Baroque delightWeikersheim Palace and Garden

Weikersheim Palace is widely regarded as the most beautiful palace in the Hohenlohe region. And the glorious Baroque garden, with its colourful cast of statues, is sure to enchant and delight.


Weikersheim Palace, visitors in the Knight's Hall
The Knight's HallTalking images
The Knight's Hall - Talking images
Schloss und Schlossgarten Weikersheim, Spiegelkabinett
The Mirror CabinetFragile fortunes
The Mirror Cabinet - Fragile fortunes
Weikersheim Palace, wall painting in the Knights' Hall
The elephantUnforgettable exoticism
The elephant - Unforgettable exoticism
Weikersheim Palace, the dwarf's gallery in the garden
The Dwarfs' GalleryUniquely strident
The Dwarfs' Gallery - Uniquely strident


If you want to see Baden-Württemberg at its most beautiful, visit the many palaces and gardens run by the state heritage agency, Staatliche Schlösser und Gärten. How about a perfectly-preserved monastery complex, such as the UNESCO World Heritage Site, Maulbronn? Or there are Heidelberg's world-famous ruins. And there's much, much more.